How to automatically hide and show the dock and the menu bar on your Mac

Did you know that you can automatically hide and show the dock and the menu bar on your Mac?

This tip might be useful if:

  • either you have a MacBook with a limited screen resolution

  • or you want to minimise distraction without resorting to activating full screen mode for your application windows

Maya, my youngest daughter, has a 12-inch MacBook and hides both the dock and the menu bar to take advantage of 100% of the pixels of her screen.

To activate this feature on a Mac running macOS 12 Monterey or earlier:

  1. Open System Preferences

  2. Click on "Dock & Menu bar"

  3. Toggle both options

On a Mac running macOS 13 Ventura or later:

  1. Open System Settings

  2. Click on "Desktop & Dock"

  3. Toggle "Automatically hide and show the Dock"

  4. Choose "Always" as option for "Automatically hide and show the menu bar"

And you, what's your preferred way of displaying the dock and menu bar?

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