How to quickly undo an action on your iPhone

Since the dawn of iOS, it’s possible to quickly undo an action on your iPhone (and iPad) by shaking it.

This feature is simply called '“Shake to undo”.

So yes, imagine you type something, select this text to copy it, but instead erase it.

No panic!

Just shake your iPhone then tap on “Undo” and you’re back to where you were.

Here’s a quick demo:

Shake to undo.gif

Normally this feature is turned on by default. 

To double-check:

  1. Open 'Settings'

  2. Tap on 'Accessibility'

  3. Tap on 'Touch' (1st option for the Physical and Motor category)

  4. Scroll down and “Shake to undo” should be turned ON

Shake to undo in Settings 800px.png

On earlier versions of iOS, just visit Settings → General

What a pleasure to simply shake my iPhone to recover any silly mistake 🙂

And you, how often do you shake your iPhone to undo stuff?

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