
How to disable read receipts for iMessages on your iPhone

How to disable read receipts for iMessages on your iPhone

In this post, I will show you how to disable read receipts for iMessages.

This tip is useful if you don't want to let your iMessage correspondant know when you actually opened his/her message.

Sneaky? Not necessarily, as there can be legitimate reasons for choosing to do so, in my opinion.

How to display the exact time a message was sent or received on your iPhone

How to display the exact time a message was sent or received on your iPhone

In this post, I will show you how to find out the exact time at which a specific message was sent or received.

By default, the Messages app groups conversations together and provide a unique timestamp, even when replies are tens of minutes apart from each other.

There is a simple way to reveal the exact time for each specific message on your Apple devices.

How to fight iMessage spammers on your iPhone

How to fight iMessage spammers on your iPhone

In this post, I will show you how to mute unknown senders in Messages.

This tip is useful if you don't want to receive a notification when someone not in your contacts list (most probably a spammer) sends you an iMessage.

It's important to understand that only iMessages are concerned; SMS messages cannot be muted, unless the sender has been explicitly blocked (as explained in my previous post).

How to block annoying callers and message senders on your iPhone

How to block annoying callers and message senders on your iPhone

In this post, I will show you how to block some people from reaching you by phone, SMS, iMessage and FaceTime on your iPhone.

This tip is useful if you'd like to stop being annoyed by unwanted calls (voice or video) and messages either from strangers or from people already in your contact list.

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