How to quickly save web pages in Safari on your iPhone

In this post, I will show you how to quickly save a web page for later use with Safari on your iPhone.

The trick is to tap and hold for about 1 second on the Bookmarks icon:


Note: If you don't see the icon, just scroll up and down a little bit.

After the long press, you'll be presented with two options:

  1. Add Bookmark

  2. Add to Reading List


Bookmarking is meant to be used for sites that you visit regularly.

If it's an article that you want to read later and just once, then tap on "Add to Reading List"

To retreive what you saved on the same Apple device, tap just once on the Bookmarks icon.

The first tab displays your bookmarks and the second one shows your reading list:


And you, how often do you save web pages as bookmarks or in your reading list?

Hit reply and just let me know.

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